P - 현 순간에 주의를 맞출 수 없게 하는 정신적 시간 여행

Created: 2022-09-25

One of the biggest culprits? Mental time travel. We do it all the time. We do it seamlessly. And we do it even more under stress. Under stress, our attention gets yanked into the past by a memory, where we get stuck in a ruminative loop. Or we may get launched into the future by a worry, leading us to catastrophize on an endless number of doomsday scenarios.

The common denominator is that stressful intervals hijack attention away from the present moment. This is how mindfulness first entered my lab as a possible “brain-training tool.”

I wanted to know whether training our participants in mindfulness exercises could help them be more effective in high-pressure situations. (가설)

Our basic definition of mindfulness was this: paying attention to present-moment experience without conceptual elaboration or emotional reactivity. (마음챙김의 정의 자체가 판단이나 감정에 매몰됨 없이 현재 순간에 주의를 기울이는 것)


