P - 어떤 인생을 살았는지가 아니라 어떤 인생 이야기를 써내려 가는지가 중요

Created: 2022-06-15

Rewrite your life story. A life transition is fundamentally a meaning-making experience. It's what I like to call an autobiographical occasion in which we are called on to revisit, rewrite and retell our life story, adding a new chapter for what we learned during the lifequake. (중략) That is the power of storytelling. And it's a reminder that no matter how bleak your story gets, you cannot give up on the happy ending. You control the story you tell about yourself, even the most painful parts of yourself. And that's why it's so critical that we re-imagine life transitions, that we see them not as a miserable times we have to grit and grind our way through, but we see them for what they are. Healing times that take the wounded parts of our lives and begin to repair them.


